

As the facility manager responsible for choosing, monitoring, and controlling the office cleaning services within your premises, you’ve no doubt noticed long since that it isn’t necessaril...

As the facility manager responsible for choosing, monitoring, and controlling the office cleaning services within your premises, you’ve no doubt noticed long since that it isn’t necessarily easy to get a good quality of cleaning service on a continuous basis.

It seems as if every cleaning company promises the earth when offering their quote for the cleaning. Usually, these promises are made verbally and/or indirectly, leading you to EXPECT something else than what you’ll receive once the contract has been signed.

If this has happened to you then I can well understand the frustration and disappointment that follow when the chosen cleaning company does not follow up with what you justifiably came to expect by their promises.

More often than not, the first few weeks go well but after the initial “honeymoon…”

Well, let’s just say that the dedication for the work lessens, with the attention to detail and quality of the cleaning consequently taking a downward plunge.

And then you find yourself at square zero again… having practically the same problem which you wanted to solve by hiring the new office cleaning Brisbane company.

If this has happened to you then please accept my sincere apologies on the behalf of the whole contract cleaning industry.

The cleaning industry is actually going through a crisis of kind at this point in time and this situation has lasted for a good many years now.

Watch out for our next update to learn more.

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