
Your local bathroom and cleaning products supplier

Alongside our expert commercial, office, and medical cleaning services, we can source all your bathroom, kitchen and office consumables and take care of the stock control, ordering and delivery, so you can focus on your business.

Consumable supply and management services

With ZOOM Office Cleaning, we can help keep your consumable inventory and supplies in stock and up to date. Delivering a comprehensive range of consumables supplies and consumables management services, we ensure your commercial, office and medical spaces stay clean, fresh and make a great first impression. By helping choose great suppliers and simplify your reordering process, we help our customers keep their supply costs to a minimum. For a comprehensive list of consumables we can supply and manage for your business, get in touch with us today. Looking for reliable Office Cleaners in Brisbane? We’ve got you covered!

I’m interested in Consumable Provisions

Ecofriendly office, commercial and medical consumables

For more than 20 years, we have been supplying ecofriendly office consumables while providing the highest quality office cleaning for our customers across Brisbane.

Consumables are things you don’t really notice, until you need them. And for our customers, having the ability to directly place all orders saves them both time and energy. Our buying power delivers significant cost savings, our products give ensure environments remain hygienic, and our commercial cleaning supplies and consumables provide greater compliance and sustainability.

What consumables does ZOOM Office Cleaning supply?

As Brisbane’s most trusted office, commercial and medical office cleaning company, ZOOM Office Cleaning can provide consumables including:

1. Toilet paper
2. Hand towels
3. Liquid soap
4. Hand sanitiser
5. Facial tissues
6. Air fresheners
7. Water cooler cups
8. Plastic / paper plates & bowls
9. Bin liners
10. And more

You're in GOOD Hands


While most bathroom, office and kitchen consumables can be supplied, we do not supply or manage the stock of:

- Printer ink and toner cartridges
- Staples and printing paper
- Snacks and vending machines

If you’re unsure about whether we supply and manage consumables you’re after, contact us to learn more about our services.

Unfortunately, our consumable supply service can only be accessed in conjunction with our regular office, commercial or medical cleaning services.

Bundling your cleaning services and consumable supplies with us can save you time and money. You’ll benefit from the convenience of a single vendor, competitive pricing, and streamlined billing.

We offer a variety of cleaning services to fit your office’s needs. This includes commercial cleaning services, office cleaning services and medical cleaning services.

Alongside our commercial office cleaning services, we can also provide the following additional services:

- Carpet Cleaning
- End of Lease Cleaning
- High Pressure Cleaning
- Pest Control
- Odour Removal services
- Fogging Services
- Sanitation Services

Who ZOOM Office Cleaning Service

ZOOM Office Cleaning provides office, commercial and medical cleaning services to clients across Brisbane.

© 2024 ZOOM Office Cleaning

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