
Quickly and easy odour removal

Got a lingering smell you can’t get rid of? While supermarket products can offer temporary relief from odours, they are rarely effective at treating the cause. And while the smell remains, it could be damaging fabrics in your curtains, lounge and carpets as it embeds deeper.

Diagnosing and treating odour problems

Working in an environment contaminated with harsh, intrusive odours reduces productivity, degrades quality of life, and can pose significant health risks. Capable of remediating even the most stubborn odours, ZOOM Office Cleaning provides a premium odour removal and deodorising services for office, commercial and medical businesses across Brisbane. Experts in odour removal, our technicians use some of Australia’s most comprehensive odour treatment equipment and techniques. By administering a tailored remediation strategy for each job and assessing your situation for all the variables that make each case unique, we will always remain in direct communication with our customers during each stage of the process, and updated on any new developments. Looking for reliable Office Cleaners in Brisbane? We’ve got you covered!

I’m interested in Odour Removal

Our vast range of odour removal solutions

Successfully addressing odour removal demands access to specialised equipment and specific technical expertise. Trying to tackle odour removal independently is frequently ineffective and could exacerbate the problem. ZOOM Office Cleaning can remediate even the most severe and persistent odours.

With access to such a broad range of equipment and processes, we can adapt to any source and space, offering you a vast range of odour removal solutions. Some of the most common odours include:

- Cigarette smoke
- Mould and mildew
- Water damage
- Pet smells
- Paint
- Alcohol
- Exotic cooking and spices
- Fire and smoke damage
- Urine, faeces, and blood

Eliminate unwanted odours with ZOOM Office Cleaning

With extensive experience in commercial office cleaning, ZOOM Office Cleaning has been delivering odour removal and deodorisation services to satisfied clients for more than 20 years. With a 100% Money Back Guarantee on EVERY single service, Zoom Office Cleaning is the most reliable and trustworthy commercial cleaning service across Brisbane and surrounding areas. You can count on our reliability, trustworthiness, and commitment to meet all your commercial cleaning needs.

You're in GOOD Hands


We can remediate an extensive range of odours including cigarette smoke, spoiled dairy, bodily fluids and more. Contact us to discuss your unique circumstances.

The odour remediation process operates on a spectrum and each case is unique. While we experience very high levels of success, we need to assess the source, affected materials (timber vs. carpet vs. concrete, for example) and remediation options. There is no blanket treatment, with each case evaluated with the utmost care and consideration.

Over the counter cleaners may help reduce the regular stench of a litter box or refrigerator, but some odours left behind in commercial offices may simply be too strong for DIY solutions. Professional odour removal requires commercial-grade deodorizers, HEPA filters, vacuums, and more.

Every job is different, and the cost for odour removal in your commercial property will depend greatly on the size and scope of work, type of smell, affected area, and more. Contact our team today for more information.

When seeking a commercial odour removal service, several key factors should be considered to ensure you receive the most effective solution for your needs. Firstly, prioritise companies with specialised equipment and expertise specifically tailored to odour removal. Additionally, consider the company’s experience and reputation in the industry. Choose a service provider with a solid history of delivering high-quality results and satisfying their clients. Furthermore, opt for a service that offers comprehensive assessments and customised solutions tailored to your unique situation.

Who ZOOM Office Cleaning Service

ZOOM Office Cleaning provides office, commercial and medical cleaning services to clients across Brisbane.

© 2024 ZOOM Office Cleaning

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