
How You Must Clean Your Space to Prevent the Spread of COVID?

The property owners hire the cleaning team as per their needs and requirements. While some of them just need them to clean the floors, there are also others who want them to manage the entire office c...

The property owners hire the cleaning team as per their needs and requirements. While some of them just need them to clean the floors, there are also others who want them to manage the entire office cleaning work on a weekly or monthly basis. But do you think that these kinds of strategies are enough to get the best result? Even if it is, then can it stop the spread of Covid-19? The answer is no. Just cleaning the space doesn’t guarantee that people are safe and not going to face any kind of health issue. You need to use the best tools and methods for COVID cleaning in Brisbane.

To clean a commercial or residential space, shopping centre or any other area, proper planning and correct implementation of the plan are needed. Having the right set of cleaning tools and equipment is also important to get the desired result. Now if you are confused about which is the best cleaning strategy and what are the things that you need to use to keep your space from dust and dirt free then the answer is given below. You can check the points that are mentioned below so that you can have the right idea and there is no confusion.

Important Things You Must Know And Understand


  • The first thing that the COVID cleaners in Brisbane must do is wash their hands before touching any kind of cleaning tool. They can even use hand sanitiser before and after using the equipment. It is important to do because it helps in preventing contamination.
  • The cleaners must have the right training and experience as to how to use the cleaning equipment.
  • They must also wear personal protective equipment (PPE) while managing the cleaning tasks.
  • The cleaning tools that they should use for keeping the space in the top condition are vacuum cleaners, scrubbers, micro-fibre cloths, and eco-friendly cleaning solutions. They must not use anything harmful that can lead to the spread of Covide-19 disease.
  • You must not hire the cleaners who use corrosive materials for the cleaning service such as lacquer thinner, gasoline, chlorinated cleaning agent, etc.
  • The professional COVID-19 cleaners in Brisbane don’t suggest the use of flammable cleaning solvents. Hence you must not use it too.
  • For removing the tough stain from carpets you can use vinegar, baking soda, and lemon. You can mix it in a cup of water and apply it to the carpets. Leave it for some time and then with some clean cloth or paper you must gently scrub the area to remove the stain.

If you don’t have the time to manage the cleaning task but if you want to keep your space in the best condition and free from the disease then it is better to hire the professionals for COVID cleaning services in Brisbane.

An experienced and certified cleaning team can give you the best result and if you are looking for them then Zoom Office Cleaning is your destination. We have the most experienced cleaners who are well reputed to offer great service for years. With the latest cleaning tools, we will be right there to offer you the service. One of the best parts of hiring us for the cleaning service is that we maintain social distance and follow all the guidelines. Call us to book an appointment for further discussion.

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