
How to Remove Black Mould from Your Office Walls & Ceilings Like a Pro?

Mould is a common office chore that most business owners deal with at some point in time. Mould infestation on your newly inaugurated office walls can be a serious health hazard as the spores spread r...

Mould is a common office chore that most business owners deal with at some point in time. Mould infestation on your newly inaugurated office walls can be a serious health hazard as the spores spread rapidly and trigger the potential of asthma, lung infections and other respiratory disorders. Moulds are usually black and emit a musty odour, which degrades your workplace’s hygiene and makes employees fall sick frequently if not treated on time.

So what’s the best way to get rid of mould from your office ceilings? Preventing dampness and sanitising your workplace at frequent intervals by trusted office cleaners in Wakerley can help you combat this problem. Read through the lines for some proven hacks.

Mould infestation on office walls, and ceilings are visible signs of inferior cleaning or lack of routine office sanitisation. Commercial spaces are high-traffic areas that undergo regular abuse and a lack of routine cleaning encourages mould growth in damp, poorly ventilated areas. Walls and ceilings are prime hotspots of mould formation and not hiring professional commercial cleaners can put the health of your employees at risk.

What Tools Are Required for Mould Treatment?


To fight mould and mildews like a pro, you need to get hold of the following cleaning supplies. In case, you don’t have any of them, you can always seek professional assistance.

  • All-purpose cleaner
  • Sponges or brushes of different sizes to deep clean flat surfaces and corners
  • Vacuum cleaners with HEPA filters
  • Microfiber cloth
  • White vinegar.

How to Eliminate Mould from Office Ceilings?


Before you start treating mould spots from office ceilings, you need to first analyse your property’s condition and then proceed with the cleaning job. Hire office cleaners in Slacks Creek to inspect the affected areas and determine the extent of the damage. If there are significant traces of mould growth, ask the experts to resort to specialised mould remedies for visible eradication.

Large traces of mould can be challenging to remove and require advanced cleaning tools. Only certified experts know their proper usage. Once the experts analyse the extent of damage, they resort to these proven hacks for optimum results.

  • Vacuum the ceilings first to get rid of existing debris and surface contaminants. It will also remove lingering dirt cobwebs from all corners and facilitate cleaning.
  • Mix a soap and water solution and saturate the affected areas with this mixture. If you use a specialised mould cleaning detergent, read the label to know its correct usage.
  • Allow the cleaning solution to settle on the surface for about 15 minutes before scrubbing the spots.
  • Make sure to clean all the edges and corners while scrubbing as it would otherwise encourage new mould growth, which might be invisible to the naked eye.
  • Remove lingering dirt and residues using a soft microfiber cloth as they can absorb dirt, debris and other pollutants seamlessly and make surfaces spotless.
  • Once you have eliminated the spots, spray the affected areas with white vinegar and let them dry. Vinegar will make the surface spotless and prevent chances of further infestation.

By following these proven hacks, you can easily eliminate unsightly mould spots for good. However, don’t forget to keep your workplace ventilated to diffuse the fumes if you use bleach or ammonia detergents. Wear protective wearables such as gloves, masks, and goggles and seek assistance from reliable commercial cleaners in Springwood if you are an asthmatic patient. At Zoom Office Cleaning, we have vetted cleaning staff who specialises in commercial cleaning services and offer bespoke solutions to meet your tailored needs. Our comprehensive office cleaning includes carpet cleaning, window cleaning, mould treatment, tile and grout cleaning and more.

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