
Providing high-quality cleaning with continuity at competitive price

The key to being able to provide high-quality cleaning with continuity at competitive price lies in how the actual cleaning is organised so that not everything is cleaned the same way. Instead, those ...

The key to being able to provide high-quality cleaning with continuity at competitive price lies in how the actual cleaning is organised so that not everything is cleaned the same way.

Instead, those areas that are most important to you (such as the reception, the conference room, the corridors your clients see, the washrooms, etc.) are given a top priority with the cleanliness maintained rigorously while other areas receive less intense cleaning.

This is just one aspect of our Quality-Assured Contract Cleaning Service which categorises your premises into THREE priority classifications based on the importance you assign to each space. This enables us to maintain a high-quality OVERALL cleanliness at a reasonable cost, giving high value for your money.

And, while I can promise it won’t be the cheapest quote you’ll ever receive from commercial cleaners Brisbane, it’s probably not the highest either.

However, I can and WILL give you an ironclad Quality Guarantee in writing that it is the BEST QUALITY of cleaning you’ve ever received and it will REMAIN on the same level for as long as you continue using our contract cleaning service Brisbane.

As a reader, you’re entitled to receive a free service called Cleaning Requirements Analysis in which we can together define your requirements and wishes for the cleaning in detail. This service takes about 20 minutes and it is done on the phone… and there’s no obligation, you’re free to use the information with your current cleaning service Brisbane if you wish.

But I promise it will give you a few great ideas on how to lessen your workload and get your office cleaning more according to your wishes!

Please give us a call or drop us an email to reserve your free & non-obliging Cleaning Requirements Analysis!

Have a great week,

You're in GOOD Hands

© 2024 ZOOM Office Cleaning

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