
3 Ways In Which You Can Remove Oil Stain From Your Carpet In Brisbane

Is it easy to remove tough oil stains from the carpet? If you ask this question to someone who doesn’t have any idea about it then they will say that by cleaning the stained area with water and ...

Is it easy to remove tough oil stains from the carpet? If you ask this question to someone who doesn’t have any idea about it then they will say that by cleaning the stained area with water and soap you will get the best result. But that is not so. If removing the stain from the floor covering was so easy then people would have not ended up damaging it or spoiling the fabric. So it becomes important to hire a professional commercial carpet cleaner in Brisbane who can offer you top-notch service with a warranty.

It is not that hiring an expert for carpet cleaning service is the only option that you have. There are many things that you can do to clean your floor covering and keep it in the best condition. If you want to know how you can be successful in removing oil stains from the rugs without hiring the experts for professional office cleaning in Brisbane then you must follow the points which are mentioned below.

Tips To Get Oil Stain Out Of The Floor Coverings


  • Preparation:

    To remove the stains from the rugs the first thing that you need to do is be well prepared for it. You must have the latest tools, cornstarch, baking soda, white cloth, white vinegar, talcum powder, dry cleaning solvent, rubbing alcohol, soda water and eco-friendly solutions that are used to manage such a task.

  • Use Of Baking Soda:

    You can use baking soda to absorb the oil stain from the floor covering. You need to put one or two tablespoons of baking soda on the stained area and leave it for half an hour. After that, you can vacuum it and see the result. If you can still see the stain then you must repeat the same process. In case you are not sure whether you can be successful in getting rid of the tough oil stain from the floor covering then it is better to hire specialist cleaners for professional commercial cleaning services in Brisbane.

  • Use Alcohol:

    Another thing that you can do is pour one tablespoon of alcohol on the stained area on the carpet and let it sit for fifteen minutes. After that, you can wash it with water to get the result.

If you don’t have any experience in managing such tasks then it is better to hire experts for professional office cleaning services in Brisbane. Since they offer a warranty so you can be sure of getting the right value for your investment.

So whether you are looking for a professional carpet cleaner in Brisbane to help you in getting rid of the oil stain from the floor coverings or keep it tidy for a long time, you can trust the experts of Zoom Office Cleaning. Our cleaning team is highly trained and possesses great skills to offer top-class rug cleaning service. We only use eco-friendly chemicals and the latest tools while cleaning the carpets. A simple reason to hire our commercial carpet cleaner in Brisbane is that we do offer a warranty for the service. If you want to book an appointment with our team then you can call us at 07 3390 1663. If you need to ask anything then you can also send us an email at info@zoomservices.com.au. Our office hours are from Monday-Friday 9 am–5 pm.

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